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In this B&H Event Space video, learn how Sony Artisans Brian Smith and Katrin Eismann work with the Sony a7R III to create unique and compelling portraits by taking advantage of the latest features this camera has to offer. Join them for an informal conversation, where they share tips for conceptualizing portrait ideas, collaborating with your subject, and problem-solving on the fly when faced with a challenge. Smith walks you
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In the following video, Rob Rives discusses how you can improve your studio mixing with Mackie’s latest line of monitors and controllers. This video explores the Mackie MR524, with its rear-panel controls for adapting the speakers to different room configurations, as well as adding the MRS10 subwoofer to extend bass
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In the following video, Rob Rives, from B&H, discusses the Shure PG ALTA line of microphones. The microphones are designed to provide high-quality sound at an approachable price point for musicians and performers in a wide range of recording and live applications.
The video explores ten different microphones, as well as three different kits for various applications. Specifically, Rives looks at: the PGA27 Large Diaphragm Side-Address