How Tough is a Pelican Case?


According to the warranty that accompanies every Pelican Hard Case, these hard-shelled cases are guaranteed for life against everything and anything, with the exception of shark bites, bear attacks, and children under 5' tall. In this B&H Photography video, we take a Pelican hard case out on the town to see how tough Pelican cases really are.




I can't count the hours of shark diving I have.  I can't count the miles I have on multiple Pelican boxes of various sizes.

None of the above mentioned sharks has ever come close to the above mentioned Pelican boxes.

That said, my money is on the Pelicans!  Bring on your sharks!  And yeah, the Pelicans carry both the dive gear AND the underwater video gear!

The reason why people pay the premium for hard-side cases isn't for the toughness of the outside, it's to protect what's on the inside from a variety of risks: impact, water intrusion, dust/dirt and theft.  While this video is interesting, (in the same way as those YouTubers who smash smartphones with hammers and crush various objects in hydraulic presses), a more practical video would have been to load the case with camera gear and subject it to the kind of abuse one might expect from baggage handlers and clumsy porters; i.e., drops from up to 8', falling into a pool, attempts to break in while locked.  And repeat the identical tests with a Seahorse case of equivalent size.  Then after the tests, take the equipment out and check for any damage.

Makes a lot of sense. this video is rubbish.

Agree.  I was waiting for the end of the clip to see how the contents of the case had fared, but the testers spared themselves that ultimate conclusion.

Podrian mostrar el hoyo del martillo, la parte de atras derretida, y abrirlo para ver como quedo el interior, o no?